Indiscreet - Αδιακρισίες (1958) Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman (720p) 6,7/10

40 Προβολές
******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** *********************************************************London-based actress Anna Kalman has been unable to find love in her life. The reason she came home early from a vacation to Majorca fits into that theme, as the man she met there and was initially attracted to ended up not being who she thought he was. Upon her arrival home, she meets suave Philip Adams, a financier who is a work acquaintance of her brother-in-law, diplomat Alfred Munson. Philip initially states that there is no Mrs. Adams in his life, but when Anna later asks him out, he clarifies that statement in that there is no Mrs. Adams in London, as she is at home in San Francisco. Still, Anna decides to ask him out to the ballet like she had planned. He accepts, letting her know that whatever happens between them, he will never be able to leave his wife. As time goes on, the two fall in love, but their happiness can only be sustained as long as Philip has his Paris-based contract with NATO. So when Philip announces that he is being transferred to New York for five months, Anna realizes that she truly cannot live without him and wants to marry him. Shortly thereafter, Anna learns something about Philip\'s background that not only threatens their relationship, but leads to a night that Anna wants to give him that he will never forget--and not in a good way. But the best-laid plans have a bumpy road to effective execution.

Η Άννα Κάλμαν είναι μια καταξιωμένη ηθοποιός που έχει εγκαταλείψει την ελπίδα να βρει τον άντρα των ονείρων της. Έξαφνα, εμφανίζεται μπροστά της ο Φίλιπ Άνταμς και συνειδητοποιεί πως αυτός είναι ο άντρας που περίμενε. Κι αυτός, όμως, ανταποκρίνεται και ο έρωτας με την πρώτη ματιά γίνεται πραγματικότητα. Στη συνέχεια, όμως, η Άννα αντιλαμβάνεται πως ο Φίλιπ κάτι της κρύβει και γίνεται έξαλλη όταν μαθαίνει το μεγάλο του ψέμα. Τώρα, σειρά έχει η εκδίκηση.
Σκηνοθέτης: Stanley Donen
Ηθοποιοί: Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Cecil Parker, Phyllis Calvert, David Kossoff
Eng Films
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